We’ve made organization as simple as paper.
                                  You make it yours.

                                  Make your life easier


                                  “I’ve tried a million other todo apps and can’t find anything else I like more than TeuxDeux!”


                                  “With your service, I can stay organized in a way that works for me. Yours is the most impactful tool I use. Thank you so much for giving the world this magical helper.”

                                  “Many to-do apps have the feel of a project management tool. TeuxDeux replaces pen and paper in a great way. Thanks!”

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                                  “What makes it so great is that it’s clean and slick and not too complicated.”


                                  Paper that you can access wherever you go, that is.


                                  Tasks roll over
                                  Unfinished to-dos move to the new day when the clock strikes midnight.

                                  How we Deux it in Brooklyn, NY


                                  Use the ‘timeline’ to schedule tasks on specific days.
                                  They’ll automatically roll over to the next day if you don’t complete them.

                                  Arrange ‘someday’ lists by categories.
                                  “Movies to watch” is not to be taken for granted. Browsing fatigue is real.

                                  Get specific with titles.
                                  You’ll thank yourself later for your list of things to do when “parents are in town!”

                                  Move items from your someday list to your timeline as they arise.
                                  Parents just booked their flight to visit? Open up your timeline and start scheduling your ‘someday’ to dos. 福利播放器破解版合集_手机福利播放器破解版_能看的福利 ...:2021-2-14 · vr影院播放器破解版v0.9.18.2 安卓版adrioad 55.6M [视频] 更新:2021-09-28立即下载 vr影院破解版是一款非常好用的视频软件。 他是一个看vr电影的,只要将手机和vr眼镜连接在一起,那么就能够直接使用vr影院来点播电影观看,国产的,国外的应有尽有,让你在vr的世界尽情的享受这美妙的视觉盛宴。


                                  Try now for a free 30 day trial, no card needed.

                                  Put us to the test


                                  Stash plans for later, so you stay focused now.

                                  Get organized
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